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I'm all about handing out the occasional freebie.

Sometimes it’s just worth it to forget about profit margins for a moment & provide a little something to make someone smile.

Find me at any given pop up & you’ll see a pile of sctuff & swag that’s up for grabs, no strings attached {EXCEPT that you promise to put it somewhere cool for heaven’s sake}.

And what better way to divert myself from the dreaded to do list & avoid all those pesky 2018 goals than to spend hours creating a PDF document that gets thrown out into the deep, dark internets just for the heck of it.

With that being said, I hope that you take advantage of this silly little thing.

Care to make me grin in return? Snap a photo of where you put your badge. I’ll thank you personally.


Print this page, follow the instruction & continue the circle .

adult merit badge


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