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Carli Vergamini

I've probably said it before, but it's worth saying again-

I love a good story.

Especially one of success. Which has led me to reading and researching what successful entrepreneurs have to say. What got them to where they are now, and how they've accomplished all that they have.

There seems to be a common thread of advice that many of them mention amongst other relevant things, but the one that is sticking with me right now is their push to "enjoy the journey."

It's easy to get caught up in the struggles and stress of starting a business (or just life in general, for heaven’s sake!), but it's a good reminder to every once in a while take a step back and look at where you are now, all you've accomplished- and although you may just be scraping by- how good you've got it to do what you love for a living.

Because it’s inevitable. Doubt can creep up at any moment. And once you think you’ve tackled it, it constantly comes crawling back. I’ve found that the best way to fight back is to surround myself with positives. So I've packed everything I love into my tiny space :)

1. Insightful and inspiring quotes to keep me motivated

2. Photos of family to remind me of why I’m pursuing my dreams

3. Last but not least, audio. I’m an avid business podcaster and eclectic playlist builder. I spend a lot of time in the studio and tire quickly so my mix of sounds is always changing. On the docket this morning: Grace Potter on iHeartRADIO (if you’re still using Pandora, I beg you to switch- and no, no one is paying me to say that) & cashing in on some Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Series podcasts this afternoon.

But perhaps the most important detail is surrounding yourself with positive people and relationships. Spend as much time as you can with dreamers, doers & crazy thinkers.

Because passion is contagious and collaborations are awesome.

What do you do to stay motivated & inspired? Drop me a line in the comments section below.

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