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Birthdays don’t count unless there is cake, balloons and sprinkles involved (in which case I might still be 23). So in honor of CRAVE’s birthday month (and mine), we’re baking a cake and topping it with tassels, too!

And let’s face it- eating it when we’re done. Because what good is a cake if you can’t?

Here's what you need:

I'm no baker, but will recommend this recipe to make your own delicious funfetti cake (& frosting) from scratch! You can let Sally walk you through the steps here.


1. Start by cutting the wooden dowels to your desired length. Next, cut 2 strips of decorative tape approximately the same length. It’s ok if it’s a little short on one end- you won’t see it once it’s in the cake.

2. Wrap the tape around the wooden dowels. It helps to start near the edge of the tape rather than the middle.

3. Measure and cut desired length of string (+ a little extra)- this is where the tassels will hang from.

4. Wrap a bit of masking tape around one edge of the string. This will keep it from unravelling and make threading the tassels on much easier.

5. Attach tassels to string in desired order.

6. Once all tassels are attached, tie each end of string onto a separate wooden dowel. Tie a double knot to make sure it stays in place!

7. Attach to other side & cut off excess string.

8. Poke wooden dowels into cake, step back and admire your work of edible art.

9. Then cut out a big slice and enjoy every single bite of that bad boy! PS I totally won't judge you if you go in for seconds.

Show us how you did! Snap a pic and sent it to or hashtag #cravebycrv on Instagram.

For more fun (and fringey) crafting ideas, click here!


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