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Big Fat Giant Goal

Carli Vergamini

After 15 years of dating, last year we eloped in rural Minnesota with just our family, a simple ceremony & about 250 leather tassels. That’s a whole other story (& a whole other blog post), but right now it’s about this backdrop.

Photo by Kellie Rae Studio

What started as an idea + a photo on Pinterest turned into a monstrosity of a project to complete all while keeping our wedding under wraps. We also overestimated the amount of materials we would need and ended up with a bunch of leftovers.

Rather than returning it to the store like a normal human might- I decided to hang onto the materials being as one of my favorite past times is collecting craft supplies. As inspiration strikes, I’ve been experimenting with smaller tassel wall hangings, and more recently, jewelry made from the cotton cording.

One thing led to another, and more specifically, one thing led to the designs getting a little crazier.

The whole idea came from Andy Miller's Creative Career Path series. He inspired THE GOAL. Not the necklace. I’M GETTING THERE.

In a nutshell- he suggests setting a specific goal. Something big- like an "I've made it moment" but also something small- short enough to fit in a fortune cookie. Then you backtrack, taking small steps to create tangible things to get you there.

My goal includes a celebrity with her foot inside the sustainable fashion realm + the cover of a giant fashion magazine and this necklace was my first baby step towards my really big thing. It's led me veering into the avant garde lane & hopefully it's just the beginning.

Want to hear my big, fat, giant, scary, hairy goal?

Emma Watson wearing a piece of CRAVE on the cover of Vogue.

YOWSA that was hard to type out loud.

It's in my subconscious, it's on my vision board, and now it's out into the world. Now when can all celebrate when the big day comes.

But for now, you can get your own necklace here.

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